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Color Picker
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Module Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut non turpis a nisi pretium rutrum. Nullam congue, lectus a aliquam pretium, sem urna tempus justo, malesuada consequat nunc diam vel justo. In faucibus elit at purus. Suspendisse dapibus lorem. Curabitur luctus mauris.

Module Title
Module Title

Select a predefined style from the drop-down or choose your own colors via the handy mooRainbow based color-chooser. When you are satisfied with your selection, click the "Apply Colors" button below to store your selection in a cookie.

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Hollow Core
Solid Flushed Doors
Bi-fold Doors

Cupboard Doors

For uncompromising Quality
Style and precision

Caribbean Door

Lot 2, L.P 7
O’Meara Ferry Road

Carapo, Arima
Trinidad and Tobago, W.I

P.O. Box 4767 Arima
Tel: (868) 642-3244
Tel/fax (868) 642-7118


Welcome to the new Caribbean Door website

On this website you can view new products and

click on images for closeups

You can also download a complete Brochure in Pdf

and by using the Icons in the upper corner of each page you can

save them as pdf, send tem to your printer

or email articles with one click



At Caribbean Door
We believe in manufacturing
quality products to the
customer’s satisfaction
every time.

Using only selected grades
of Southern Yellow Pine
from the forested
areas of Alabama

With modernized machinery
our skilled technicians are
able to create products
which continually
reach a level of quality
and precision upon which our
reputation is based.

Our products maintain a level of
Unsurpassed in this field.

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